If you are concerned about your prostate health or have noticed any symptoms from the previous section you should seek advice. Contact your GP to discuss your concerns and symptoms.
If you are aged 50yrs or have a family history of prostate disease it’s recommended to have a discussion with your GP. They may suggest you having tests such as a PSA blood test (prostate specific antigen). This test will find out if there is an issue with the prostate gland such as prostate cancer or another prostate problem.
PSA blood test (Prostate specific antigen)
A PSA blood test measures the amount of protein in the blood. It’s a protein produced by normal cells in the prostate and in prostate cancer cells. PSA levels increase slightly with age and also with enlarged prostate disease or prostate cancer. Other factors can also raise the PSA e.g. urinary infection, recent ejaculation and vigorous exercise.
All men born male have a right to a PSA if your over 50yrs. It is recommended to have this blood test sooner if there is a family history of prostate cancer or if you are black.
Discussions with your GP are needed prior to having a PSA test explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the test.
DRE (digital rectal examination)
The GP will undertake a digital rectal examination to assess the prostate. From here they can feel if the prostate is normal or abnormal in size.
Medical referral
If your PSA reading is high, there are abnormalities found on rectal examination or you are experiencing problematic symptoms the GP will refer you to an urologist or specialist nurse for further investigations.
An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan is where magnets create a detailed picture of the prostate and surrounding tissue.
Prostate biopsies
Prostate biopsies are taken when the MRI scan has identified an area of concern.