Recently diagnosed with prostate cancer?
Men respond in all kinds of ways to being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Here are a few ways to cope with the news and seek support.
Talk about it
Talking with your family and friends about what has happened to you is important. If you struggle to do this it might be easier to start with your nurse or doctor. You can use our support services if you want to speak to someone outside of your family or friends. Our specialist nurse hotline number is – 0800 047 0200.
Make use of support services
You can speak to your doctor or nurse about these feelings. They are just as valid as physical symptoms. Learning more about prostate cancer and its effects can also reduce worry or stress.
Look after yourself
Getting good sleep, exercise and diet can help to control your feelings about what is happening and about yourself. Exercise and sleep are the best ways to manage stress. Try to keep up with hobbies and interests.