Prostate Cymru

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Clive Edwards Driven To Raise Funds For Prostate Cymru

Clive Edwards is the well-known Director of Taf Valley Coaches in Whitland, as well as having a second career as a popular singer who has appeared many times on S4C. He has been a prolific and innovative charity fundraiser for many years raising many thousand pounds for worthwhile causes.

Last year was no exception when he chose Prostate Cymru as his nominated charity. Recently Clive handed over a cheque for £3,000 to John Daniels, a Trustee of the charity and the Secretary of its Pembrokeshire Friends group.

The highlight of the fundraising year is the highly popular annual charity weekend at the Celtic Royal Hotel in Caernarfon when over 200 guests are taken from within the county, by his coach company, for entertainment and enjoyment with Clive the “top of the bill”.

In addition, throughout the year he was given the proceeds of raffles that were organised at concerts, when he was the guest artist, for Prostate Cymru.

Clive in presenting the cheque said, “It was an appropriate choice as in recent years many of my friends have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and I wanted to help other Welshmen who may be unfortunate to be diagnosed”

In receiving the cheque John Daniels stated “Clive is a highly committed and motivated individual who is also a refreshing and superb fundraiser and Prostate Cymru are delighted that he has chosen to support them”.

Prosate cancer is the most common cancer for men in Wales affecting 1 in 8, 1 in 3 if there is a family history, with 2,500 men diagnosed each year and 550 men dying from the disease. Prostate Cymru is the leading men’s charity in Wales in dealing with prostate related issues.

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