A ‘Bon Voyage’ choral event in support of ‘our Touching The Sun’ explorers,
attempting to navigate 5 volcanoes in 14 days in wildest Ecuador.
Friday 5th July, 2013 | Cowbridge Leisure Centre, 7pm.
Treat yourselves and enjoy this magnificent evening!…
Tickets on sale at : The News Shop, 11 Dunraven Place, Bridgend.
& Xantippe of Cowbridge, 39 High Street, Cowbridge.
& HSBC Bank, 61 High Sreet, Town Centre, Cowbridge.
& Porters Estate Agents, 38-40 Nolton Street, Bridgend.
Tickets Just : £7 Each | Seniors (65+) & Children (Under 15) £4.50
Contact Angharad for more information by emailing : angharad@prostatecymru.com
Invitations to co-sponsor the concert programme:
Just a £20 donation as a friend of Prostate Cymru gains an insert in the concert programme. Donations can be made at the outlets above or on…
Contact Angharad for more information by…
Email : angharad@prostatecymru.com
Tel : 0808 1234 124