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Prostate Cymru Launches Lifesaving Awareness Campaign Across Wales

Prostate Cymru is excited to announce the launch of their new awareness campaign, set to make waves across Wales. 

With eye-catching billboards now visible in cities and towns throughout Wales, Prostate Cymru is committed to educating the public about the critical importance of prostate cancer awareness and early diagnosis.

Their campaign’s central message is simple yet powerful: early diagnosis can save lives. 

Prostate cancer is a silent threat that can be symptomless, making awareness and early detection vital.

 Did you know that 1 in 8 men in Wales will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime? The risk increases significantly for those with a family history, with 1 in 3 men affected. The statistics are even more concerning for black men, with 1 in 4 diagnosed.

These numbers underscore the urgency of their mission. By spreading awareness and encouraging regular check-ups, we can help reduce the impact of this disease and save countless lives.

For this campaign, the charity is thrilled to have the support of dedicated volunteers and notable figures such as Colin Charvis, former captain of the Welsh rugby team. 

Strategically placed billboards across Wales are the cornerstone of our campaign. Designed to grab attention and provoke thought, these billboards feature powerful imagery and essential facts about prostate cancer. 

They serve as a daily reminder of the importance of awareness and action.

Recently, Prostate Cymru funded a Specialist Cancer Practitioner (SCP) for Morriston Hospital in Swansea, significantly enhancing the care available for patients in West and North Wales.

Learn more about the SCP here.

Importantly, all the money raised by Prostate Cymru stays in Wales, ensuring the benefits directly impact our local communities.

We invite everyone to join us in this crucial initiative. Whether by educating yourself, encouraging loved ones to get checked, or supporting Prostate Cymru through volunteering or donations, your involvement makes a difference.

Visit our website for more information on how you can contribute to the cause and stay updated on our ongoing efforts to combat prostate cancer in Wales. 

Together, we can ensure that more men know the facts, get diagnosed early, and receive the lifesaving treatment they need.

Prostate Cymru is a Welsh charity dedicated to supporting men with prostate cancer and raising awareness about the disease. We provide education, fund research, and offer support services to those affected by prostate cancer across Wales. 

For more information, visit our website at www.prostatecymru.com.

Your support helps us continue our mission to fight prostate cancer and save lives across Wales. 

Keep an eye out for our billboards, and remember: knowing your facts can save lives.

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