On the 20th November the annual Prostate Cymru Big Breakfast at Kenfig Hill RFC was back with a bang after its cancellation in 2020 due to the pandemic raising an incredible £1000.
The event was a roaring success, with over 150 breakfasts served from 8am – 12pm all ahead of the Wales v Australia match later on in the day.
The event had some amazing sponsors including Kenfig Hill Rugby Social Club, Phillips Cleaning Services, Donne&Dusted Cleaning Services, Mand’s Miskin Eggs, Manda Sparks and Bookers Bridgend.
We would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came and supported Prostate Cymru with a special thanks to Jordan Donne, Adele Phillips, Val Chappell and Phil Rees who were hard at work in the kitchens making this event possible.
There have also been some incredible Breakfasts hosted across Wales this November including RPS Telecoms.
Their Big Breakfast included bacon rolls and raffle, as well as a presentation hosted by our awareness team member Ian Norton to help educate everyone on the dangers of prostate cancer and disease.
The event was a huge success with over £600 being raised on the day and some incredible raffle prizes won.
Don’t forget that there’s still time to host your own Big Breakfast!
It can be a big event in your community, or it can even be a small breakfast at home with your friends and family.